Your own Real Professor will assist with every task for your dissertation. This includes all of the extra tasks that ensure you graduate on-time, including: communicating with your dissertation chair, assisting with your IRB application, and APA 7 editing.
Our Real Professors will assist you with the writing and revision process of your project, performing comprehensive data analysis, and mentoring you every step of the way. Our objective is to support your success today and tomorrow in accordance with your personal and professional goals.
Research Design and Methods
Analysis, Results, and Conclusion
Don't let a missing semi-colon, inappropriate use of et al, or outdated template headings delay your progress. Don't let inconsistent purpose statements cost you extra money in tuition.
APA 7 Editing
Literature review
Research Design and Methods
Analysis, Results, and Conclusion
Template Revisions
APA 7 Editing
We started Real Professors™ in 2020 for two reasons. First, we understand that the major online doctoral programs are for-profit and want to keep you paying tuition for as long as possible. Second, we understand that other academic consultancies also want you to keep paying tuition as long as possible, so you can keep paying them for their services.
Our writers and researchers are all based in the U.S. so you can meet and interact with them at every step.
We hep with the entire process. Starting with heldeveloping your topic all the way through writing and revisions, all data analysis, and with extensive Zoom mentoring so you can speak intelligently about your project with your own professors.
Real Professors is comprised solely of actual professors at major U.S. universities. You will work with the same professor from start to finish. You will know the identity of your professor and Zoom with him or her or them for the mentoring aspects of the service.
The free consultation is one of our professors doing real work for you, for free. This is the only way to build trust before you hire Real Profs. Typically, the free consultation is free topic development. But, if you already have a topic, you and your professor can work something else out.
We named the company Real Professors because doctoral programs have become big business. Therefore, there is incentive for your program to keep you paying tuition as long as possible. As professors at traditional, bricks-and-mortar, non-profit universities, we feel that professors who keep holding you back without telling you how to succeed are not real professors. In contrast, we will help you complete your dissertation on time so you can minimize your tuition payments.
Ready to get started?
Don't get stuck paying for another semester before talking with us about your success.